Representational similarity supports rapid context retrieval during fear discrimination in ventral hippocampus. Rozeske RR, L Runtz*, AT Keinath, A Sossin, and MP Brandon. bioRxiv. 2023. doi: 10.1101/2023.09.08.556889. bioRxiv
Neuronal coding mechanisms mediating fear behavior. Rozeske RR and C Herry. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 2018 Oct, 52: p. 60-64. PubMed
Prefrontal-periaqueductal gray-projecting neurons mediate context fear discrimination. Rozeske RR, D Jercog, N Karalis, F Chaudun, S Khoder, D Girard, N Winke, and C. Herry. Neuron. 2018 Feb. 97(4): p. 898-910. PubMed
Blood on the Tracks: Two Pathways for Predation. Rozeske RR and C Herry . Cell. 2017 Jan. 168(1-2): p. 17-19. PubMed
4 Hz oscillations synchronize prefrontal-amygdala circuits during fear behavior. Karalis N, C Dejean, F Chaudun, S Khoder, RR Rozeske, H Wurtz, S Bagur, K Benchenane, A Sirota, J Courtin, and C Herry. Nat Neurosci. 2016 Apr. 19(4): p. 605-612. PubMed
Neuronal circuits for fear expression and recovery: recent advances and potential therapeutic strategies. Dejean C, J Courtin, RR Rozeske, MC Bonnet, V Dousset, T Michelet, and C Herry. Biol Psychiatry. 2015 Sept. 78(5): p. 298-306. PubMed
Prefrontal neuronal circuits of contextual fear conditioning. Rozeske RR, S Valerio, F Chaudun, and C Herry. Genes Brain Behav. 2015 Jan. 14(1): p. 22-36. PubMed
Prefrontal parvalbumin interneurons shape neuronal activity to drive fear expression. Courtin J, F Chaudun, RR Rozeske, N Karalis, C Gonzalez-Campo, H Wurtz, A Abdi, J Baufreton, TCM Bienvenu, and C Herry. Nature. 2014 Jan. 505(7481): p. 92-96. PubMed
Understanding stress resilience. Baratta MV, RR Rozeske, and SF Maier. Front Behav Neurosci. 2013 Nov. 7: p. 158. PubMed
Opioid activation of toll-Like receptor 4 contributes to drug reinforcement. Hutchinson MR, AL Northcutt, T Hiranita, X Wang, SS Lewis, J Thomas, K van Steeg, T Kopajtic, LC Loram, C Sfregola, E Galer, N Miles, ST Bland, J Amat, RR Rozeske, T Maslank, TR Chapman, K Strand, M Fleshner, RK Bachtell, A Somogyi, H Yin, J Katz, K Rice, SF Maier, and LR Watkins. J Neurosci. 2012 Aug. 32(33): p. 11187-11200. PubMed
Activation of the medial prefrontal cortex is necessary for protection against subsequent inescapable stress-induced potentiation of morphine conditioned place preference. Rozeske RR, A Der-Avakian, LR Watkins, and SF Maier. Euro J Neurosci. 2012 Jan. 35(1): p. 160-165. PubMed
Uncontrollable, but not controllable, stress functionally desensitizes 5-HT1A receptors in the dorsal raphe nucleus. Rozeske RR, AK Evans, MG Frank, LR Watkins, CA Lowry, and SF Maier. J Neurosci. 2011 Oct. 31(40): p. 14107-14115. PubMed
Voluntary wheel running produces resistance to inescapable stress-induced potentiation of morphine conditioned place preference. Rozeske RR, BN Greenwood, M Fleshner, LR Watkins, and SF Maier. Behav Brain Res. 2011 Jun. 219(2): p. 378-381. PubMed
The medial prefrontal cortex regulates the differential expression of morphine conditioned place preference following a single exposure to controllable or uncontrollable stress. Rozeske RR, A Der-Avakian, ST Bland, JT Beckley, LR Watkins, and SF Maier. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2009 Mar. 34(4): p. 834-843. PubMed
Minocycline suppresses morphine-induced respiratory depression, suppresses morphine-induced reward, and enhances systemic morphine-induced analgesia. Hutchinson MR, A Northcutt, LW Choa, JJ Kearney, Y Zhang, DL Berkelhammer, LC Loram, RR Rozeske, ST Bland, SF Maier, TT Gleeson, and LR Watkins. Brain Behav Immun. 2008 Nov. 22(8): p. 1248-56. PubMed
Single exposure to uncontrollable stress potentiates the subsequent conditioned place preference response to oxycodone, but not cocaine or ethanol. Der-Avakian A, ST Bland, RR Rozeske, JT Tamblyn, MR Hutchinson, LR Watkins, and SF Maier. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2007 May. 191(4): p. 909-917. PubMed
A single session of uncontrollable, but not controllable, stress sensitizes the subsequent cocaine-induced locomotor response to mild footshock. Der-Avakian A, RR Rozeske, ST Bland, LR Watkins, and SF Maier. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2007 May. 191(4): p. 899-907. PubMed